My background
I have got a diploma in Psychoterapy from Psykosyntesinstitutet in Gothenburg. My work with clients are based on a wide life experience (les mer) both as a client, as a participant of the school of life together with my education in Psychosynthesis theraphy (les mer) and my additional education as a clinical guide.
My education in Psychosynthesis theraphy consists of a 5 years study by Psykosynteseinstituttet in Gothenburg (les mer). I have met with clients since 2008.
My first education is as an economist with long experience from the travelindustry as a consultant and I gave courses.
I am a member of Norsk Forening for Psykosynteseterapeuter (NFPT) (les mer) and Norsk forening for Psykoterapi (NFP) (les mer). NFP is a member of The European Association for Psychoterapy (EAP) that is established in 28 countries.